
Web and Mobile Apps

Our applications can run on web browsers, iPhone and Android phones, and Windows, Mac, and Linux desktop systems. With broad platform support, we offer our users access from any device. This allows us to reach more users, outpace our competitors, and increase our revenue potential.

Stand Out with Accessibility Across All Platforms

Accessibility of Our Applications

Our applications—Corporate Meeting, Online Education, Game Community, Audio Social, Music Social, Fintech Community, and AI Assistant—can run on web browsers, on iPhone and Android phones through app stores, and on Windows, Mac, and Linux desktop systems both through stores and direct download. This broad accessibility offers our users a flexibility and ease of use that our competitors cannot match.


Wide Platform Support

While many of our competitors offer services only through mobile apps, we provide a wide range of access across web browsers, desktop operating systems, and more. This ensures that our users can access our applications anytime, anywhere, and from any device.

Comprehensive App Store Presence

Our applications are available on iPhone and Android app stores, as well as for download on Windows, Mac, and Linux. This makes it easy for users to find and use our applications regardless of their preferred platform.

Reaching a Larger Audience

With broad platform support, we can reach more users, expanding our potential customer base and offering our services to a wider audience.

Increased Revenue Potential

Reaching more users also increases our revenue potential. By being available on multiple platforms, we can attract more users and increase our revenue streams.

Flexibility and User Satisfaction

Our users can access our applications from any device or platform of their choice, enhancing user satisfaction and ensuring long-term customer loyalty.

Reaching a Larger Audience and Increasing Revenue

The wide platform support of our applications allows us to reach more users. This expands our potential customer base and increases our revenue streams. With broad accessibility, we can attract users from different devices and platforms, offering them the best experience.

Our Strengths

The wide platform support and user-friendly features of our applications are key advantages that set us apart from our competitors. Optimized for every device and operating system, our applications provide flexibility and seamless access for our users. This enhances customer satisfaction and ensures long-term success.

Platform Independence

The ability of our applications to work on all major operating systems and devices gives us a significant advantage over our competitors. Users can switch devices without losing access to our applications.

Ease of Access

The presence of our applications in app stores and through direct download options ensures that users can easily access our applications. This positively impacts user experience and encourages the use of our applications.

Regular Updates

We continuously improve and update our applications to stay compatible with the latest technologies and to provide the best user experience.

Cross-Platform Availability

Our applications run on web browsers, iPhone and Android phones, and Windows, Mac, and Linux desktop systems, ensuring broad accessibility.

Comprehensive Support

Our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to assist users with any issues, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted service.


Our applications offer extensive customization options, allowing you to tailor them to your brand and specific needs.

Where WE DO

Success Stories

Veri Robot

Veri Robot is an innovative AI assistant service that enables users to chat in real-time and undertake tasks through predefined prompts. The voice services provided by Veri Robot can be used in room environments where many people can listen simultaneously, allowing numerous innovative ideas and projects to come to life.

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Zumti is a voice chat platform that allows people to come together and socialize by joining rooms with their microphones and cameras.

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Guydu is a gaming community and socializing application that brings together users who play computer games, enabling them to form communities about games, create teams to play their favorite games together, and communicate.

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Contact us

Turning Your Communication Projects into Reality Together

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine which of our services best fit your needs.

Your benefits:
What happens next?

We Schedule a call at your convenience 


We do a discovery and consulting meting 


We prepare a proposal 

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